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Facebook user mr Torg Ambitious Orpine posted that on his wall:

Requirements for my wife to be this 2024.
(1)Be respectful, humble and easy to forgive.
(2)You must know how to make at least a little prayer daily for us
(3)No arguments, shouting or quarrel saywhat’s your opinion but if l insist leave it likethat.
(4)Learn how to encourage me and try to becontented.
(5) Have an idea on wearing heels(if notthere are places you will not accompany methere).
(6)An experience in trecking at least you cantreck 1km with little or no complaints (I neverget motor and we need to go out to preach)
(7) Know how to cook and be willing to cook.
(8)Finally be a giver and a lover of people .


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