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Further to sustained efforts to eradicate gender based violence and other forms of harmful practices against the female gender, the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs will flag off a 3-day sensitization rally from 2-4 February 2024 at the Bechere Ward, Obanliku Local Government Area of Cross River State to end money marriage which has been an age-long practise in the area.

Money marriage is a custom in which a girl child in the community is sold out to a man by her parents as a wife in exchange for money, food items, or to pay a debt.

The awareness campaign which is organized is partnership with the Office of the First Lady Cross River State Rev Mrs Eyoanwan Bassey Otu, is line with the continued push by the Federal Government to stamp out all forms gender based violence through the Women Affairs Ministry.

Speaking ahead of the rally, the Honorable Minister of Women Affairs Barr Uju Kennedy Ohanenye commended the Cross River State First Lady for collaborating with her Ministry on this initiative and reiterated that the campaign against age-long practises which demeans the dignity of womanhood will be addressed holistically and pledged to sustain the tempo as part of efforts to promote and protect the welfare and wellbeing of women and the girl child in Nigeria.


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